Our parents
Parent Council
At the Visserschool we have an active parent council that takes care of organising important events at our school. Occasionally, they will contact you requesting volunteers for a special activity. At our school, parents and teachers work together to tackle issues that are important to the school.
You can contact the parent council by sending an e-mail to Ouderraad.Visserschool@Amosonderwijs.nl.

Class parents
Class parents help with organising class activities and the regular lice checks. Each class has its own class parents who act as a link between parents and teachers. A class parent will, for example, request assistance with class excursions or for buying a collective birthday gift for the teacher.
Participation Council
A Participation Council (Medezeggenschapsraad - MR) is a powerful means to monitor and protect the quality of the school and the education it provides. The Visserschool has a Participation Council currently consisting of four members: the parents Etienne Slagman and Melle Godfried, and the staff members Lotte Gerritsen (group 1-2 A) and Luuk Heijnen (teacher physical education).
The MR discusses, among other things, the school plan, annual educational plan, quality of education, TPO plan, holiday schedule, school guide and current affairs.
Would you like to know more? You can reach the MR by sending an e-mail to MR.Visserschool@Amosonderwijs.nl.

Parent and Child counselor
Mrs. Arantxa Barcelos from the GGD is the parent and child counselor at our school. You can reach her by sending an e-mail to a.barcelos@oktamsterdam.nl.
Employees of the Parent and Child Team are not part of the school staff and are independent from the school. Parents and students can go directly to a parent and child counselor without first going through the school or general practitioner. A parent and child counselor will always inform parents and students of feedback provided to the school so that an integrated approach can quickly be achieved. A request from a parent and/or student is enough to warrant a consultation with the OKA. The OKA is based on consultation with parent(s) and never with others without parental consent.